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The Slavery, History, Memory, and Reconciliation Project is committed to a transformative process of truth-telling, reconciliation, and healing that, in conversation with the descendants of people held in bondage, acknowledges historical harms, seeks to repair relationships, and works within our communities to address the legacies of slavery that persist in the form of racial inequities today.

We are motivated by a desire to uncover the truth of people’s stories, to honor their memories and heal relationships. We hope that together, descendant communities, Jesuits, and Jesuit institutions can act in partnership to address the prejudice and structural racism that endure from slavery throughout the United States.


In order to facilitate relationship-building and working in partnership with descendant communities in pursuit of transformative change, the SHMR Project aims to:

  • Listen to and learn from descendants in shaping a path forward to address the Jesuits’ participation in the sin of slaveholding and its legacies of racism that endure today.
  • Research the lived experiences of people held in slavery by the Jesuits, and connect with their descendants to share what we know and to learn from their knowledge.
  • Communicate this history and our efforts more broadly in collaboration with descendants and the general public.

4511 W. Pine Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63108